Objectives of the course:
The course is devoted to the students’ familiarization and sensitization on areas which are included in the study of language in social context. Focus is made on students’ awareness about sociolinguistics variation (both social and geographical), language and social interaction, language shift and contact, language policy and planning. A special interest of the course is placed on the implications of sociolinguistics’ principles and conclusions on language teaching practice.
Content of the course:
Sociolinguistics may be considered as “anti-linguistics” but has also several meeting points with mainstream linguistics. Some of the topics discussed are: the scope of sociolinguistics; sociolinguistic variation (horizontal and vertical); functional varieties and communication situation; diglossia and the Greek language “question”; bilingualism, multilingualism, language contact and codeswitching; language policy; linguistic attitudes. In the second part, sociolinguistics goes to school: linguistic inequality, inadequacy, discontinuity; Critical language teaching; development of language awareness.
Teaching and learning methods:
Interactive seminars, with students’ individual and in-small-groups participation particularly encouraged. Case studies and practical activities, oral presentations, experiences accounts and use of digital material (internet, DVDs, CDs).
Assessment methods:
Final assessment by an open, written exam (80%); ongoing assessment by facultative students’ projects or active participation in class activities (20%).